Welcome to UTDesign Makerspace!

We are excited to have you join our organization! Below, you will find a variety of optional and mandatory training courses available to you for free.


Each training course is grouped based on its category and relevance to other classes. The first digit is a series of lessons, representing a broad topic like additive manufacturing. The second digit is a type of tool, such as a 3D printer. The third digit is the course number, representing the order you should take courses.

Be sure to pay attention to the course and exam descriptions! For example, 201: 3D Printing must be completed before 211: Resin Printing.

  • 100: Basics
    Covers essential knowledge for participating in UTDesign Makerspace, such as safety procedures and how to use basic tools.
  • 200: Additive Manufacturing (MOST POPULAR)
    Focuses on 3D printing, including both FDM and resin printers.
  • 300: Digital Fabrication
    Learn how to use digital fabrication tools like our laser cutter and CNC router to cut, etch, and more.
  • 400: Game and Media Development
    Use special tools like virtual reality, cameras, and workstations to create games and media.
  • 500: Arts and Crafts
    Create art projects using tools like our sewing and embroidery machine and vinyl cutter.

    Available courses

    101: General and Safety

    Welcome to UTDesign Makerspace! Please take this short mandatory tr...
    Badge Enrolment

    201: 3D Printing

    In this training, we go over the basics of 3D printing at UTDesign ...
    Badge Enrolment

    211: Resin Printing

    In this training, we go over the basics of resin printing at UTDesi...
    Badge Enrolment

    301: Laser Cutting

    In this training, we go over the basics of using the laser cutter a...